
Contains rizz

5 ★

69k reviews




Mature rating

About This Game

A british, aroace, silly little fella who does the writing and the art and the freaking out over fictional characters on twitter dot com. Often freaks out over, nature wives, jizzie, Joel Smallishbeans in general, and Rosabella Beauty. Enjoys Empires SMP, Sims 4, MLP;FiM, Good Omens, Doctor Who, the marauders, horrible histories, Ever After High. DNI dt supporters in any way at all, inniters (C!Tommy is fine but not cc!Tommy), any form of bigot. Also, the install button leads you to my AO3, you should click it and subscribe.

Ratings and Reviews


Kol "The Brother" Skidlock

Nature Wives and EAH lover.


Ajax "Fudge Popcorn" Windwardwords

Total normal and regular about Joel Smallishbeans, British teenager, loves Doctor Who, maker of experiements, and one of my silly moots.


Zei "Asshole" Zeighost

Caring, but also very sad, really funny, British /neg (/j), very gay, i know it's a very musical person


Dom "Marry me" 3FandomE

Blue is very silly and a good writer, and for that I take inspiration from their skill. (fuck u Dom)

Other reviewers: Feign, Wren, Mothy, Ecto, Hat, Jet